Sunday, March 1, 2009

Random List of Thoughts.

1. I completed a whole months worth of posts in February!

2. Handsome is sleeping like an angel.

3.  We watched D2: The Mighty Ducks last night. 

4. And had pizza for dinner. I'm seriously wanting to do the whole thing over again tonight.

5. I love pizza.

6. We don't eat pizza enough.

7. I worked on my paper for my writing requirement a little this morning and it is only 8:15 am right now! This paper is looming over me and I have one month from today to get it finished. Eeek! Pray for concentration and motivation if you would. 

8. I'll probably be a little less present around here and I'm gonna try to get on a schedule for posting. I'll keep you updated. 

9. I'm going to go get ready for church. 

10. Hopefully Handsome and I can study together today.

11. Because I got no studying done yesterday due to a head cold / allergies. I might have broken through the worst of it already. 


Anonymous said...

kudos on your choice of D2 ... "ducks fly together"

Kelley said...

Congrats on 28 posts in a row! That's pretty incredible! I love D2 and my husband will chose pizza over anything! You should try Pie Shack! It's sooo good! I hope you start feeling better!

Q, La, and Gooner said...

Yah, you gotta keep posting or else people will send you nasty texts and emails. ;)