Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just My Opinion...

but if the temperature outside is represented by a color of blue or lime green on the map, then it is too cold to go outside.


But at least once I come back in, I will have attended all of the classes I physically must attend for my last fall semester!

I'm here. And today I'm shivering more than writing!


Kelley said...

well dangit...upon looking at the map again, I realized I'm just in the yellow area...silly me

Kelley said...

see that spot of red that is right above mexico....that's where I live! You should move here! :)

Brittney Galloway said...

Wow, look at that! This is my first winter where we are in the green (and soon to be blue!) Brrr indeed!

Justine said...

Ugh, I'm in that orange area in Florida... I am SO sick of hot weather. :(

Callie said...

Ah, Beautiful Blue, I love you! It should be cold in the winter - if there's no leaves on the trees and everything is brown and ugly, I would rather it be snowing!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

See that dark orange way down there on the right? That's where I am. I'm melting!