Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Show Some Sidebar Love.

Dear Readers,

It is time to update my sidebar that includes some of your blogs. I sort of updated recently to include a few of the new blogs I am enjoying as well. But I know I haven't finished, so this is your opportunity to be included.

If you would like me to feature your blog on my sidebar, leave me a comment! And maybe reciprocate on your own blog... I have found some of the blogs I enjoy the most be checking out other peoples sidebars so I'd like for other readers to find YOU if you want them too. Finding blogs I love to read is one of my favorite things about blogging.

So consider this my little bloggy Valentine to you, just a few days early!

I'm here. And I'm still writing...


Kelley said...

me me! :)

katie + bret said...

You can give a shout out to me :) I always like new people finding me!!

Mindy said...

I have you on my sidebar too :) Thanks for the blog link love