Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Big News!

So earlier this summer I was studying a bit, ahem a lot, for this one test I had to take to make myself employable and licensable in the field I just got a degree. I took the test and haven't thought too much about it since then, except for the occasional nightmare about being late(after the fact is weird I know!) and every so often during a conversation with friends who also took it. 
After one such conversation, I was informed  of the average number of days to get results. The informant also clued me in to the fact that we were FOUR days from that magic number.
I had a couple momentary freak outs in the next three days.

And then I woke up on that magic number day, got my coffee, went shoe shopping and started to run a few errands before I realized that the AVERAGE number of days between the test and the results had  passed. That day and any day after was fair game to receive the envelope in the mail...Eeeek! (I honestly can't believe I had forgotten when I woke up that morning, but it allowed me some very quiet uninterrupted shoe shopping time before the crowds hit the stores).
 As soon as I realized it could be the day, I prayed to the Lord! I asked for calmness and that I could drive myself safely and also that I would be able to look at my results (if we had them) before any friends called to inquire as to my status.

I raced home in my car. Calmly opened my envelope and....good news! I passed!! And thankfully no one had called yet! I immediately called my husband and parents to share the good news.
I guess this means that I am now officially employable and a grown-up (well, after my first pay-check I guess) and all of that! 
Thanks for sticking it out with me!
I'm here. And I'm still writing,
No more tests. No more books. No more teachers, umm I hadn't gotten a dirty look from a teacher since probably freshman year of high school when I might have gotten in trouble once or twice for chatting (verbally that is, no IMing in class for me!)


Unknown said...

Congratulations Honey, I'm really proud of you.

Callie said...

Yay! Good job, we all knew you'd pass! :-D

Mrs. Lukie said...

Congratulations! I hope you celebrate in some small (or big!) way very soon!

Rebecca (Craving Simplicity) said...

Congratulations!! That's wonderful news! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I've been thinking about that test! Woohoo! Congrats girl!

Charbelle said...


katie@tulsadetails said...

Congratulations! I still have dreams that I forgot to drop a class in college and it is the end of the semester and I am going to fail...and I graduated nine years ago. Eek!

Kelley said...

so proud of you friend! I can't believe you are a real grown up now!

d.a.r. said...

Yeahhh!!!! CONGRATS!!!